Serverless, or Function-as-a-Service (FaaS), boosts developer productivity by fully taking over cloud infrastructure management, allowing the developers to focus exclusively on their service’s business logic. This labor division introduces new bottlenecks and optimization opportunities, calling for systems researchers to study and innovate. Problematically, leading serverless providers rely on proprietary infrastructure that is ill-suited for systems research.
To enable unencumbered research in serverless systems, we developed vHive, a full-stack open-source ecosystem for serverless clouds benchmarking, experimentation, and innovation. vHive is representative of real serverless clouds, as recognized by leading serverless providers and an ASPLOS'21 Distinguished Artifact Award, and integrates production-grade components, including AWS Firecracker, Containerd and Kubernetes. Now, vHive is in use at over 38 universities and companies world-wide.
Join the vHive Open-Source Community!
vHive is a full-stack open-source framework for serverless experimentation, integrating production technologies.
vSwarm contains 30+ microbenchmarks and 8 complex applications with distributed tracing and low-level profiling support.
Study the architectural and microarchitectural implications of serverless in the Gem-5 full-system simulator using vSwarm-μ.