Install Function manually

  1. Make a copy of the disk image in your working directory

  2. Start the emulator with the following command:

    sudo qemu-system-x86_64 \
     -nographic \
     -cpu host -enable-kvm \
     -smp 4 -m 8GB \
     -device e1000,netdev=net0 \
     -netdev type=user,id=net0,hostfwd=tcp:  \
     -drive format=raw,file=<path/to/disk/image> \
     -kernel <path/to/kernel> \
     -append 'earlyprintk=ttyS0 console=ttyS0 lpj=7999923 root=/dev/hda2'

    Qemu will boot linux from the disk image you specified. Once booted login as root (password root).

Now you are able to pull function images onto base disk image. We will use the the vhiveease/fibonacci-go function image as example:

# Pull your containerized function image
docker pull  vhiveease/fibonacci-go

Pull all images you want to benchmark.

Once all images are installed you can shutdown qemu with shutdown -h now. However, to make sure that the disk image is properly installed and works from a software perspective the test-client we put onto the image to perform a quick test.

Note you can find the source code of the client together with your hands out material.

# 1. Start your function container
# -d detaches the process and we can continue in the same console.
# -p must be set to export the ports
docker run -d --name mycontainer -p 50051:50051 vhiveease/fibonacci-go

# run the client with the port you export in docker as well as the number of invocations you want to run.
# -addr is the address and port we where exporting with the docker command
# -n is the number of invocations the client should perform
./client -addr localhost:50051 -n 100

The client should print its progress after every 10 invocations. Now the disk image is ready for the Gem5 simulator. Stop the container and shutdown qemu.

docker stop mycontainer && docker rm mycontainer
shutdown -h now

Note: Qemu breaks the line wrapping you might want to reset the console by executing reset.